Date of birth: 30. August 1975.
Place of birth: Niš
2002 - Electronic Engineering B.S. degree. (Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Niš, Yugoslavia),
Verification of Mixed-mode Electronic Circuits in Tanner
2005 - Electronic Engineering M.S. degree. (Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Niš, Serbia),
Computer Integrated Laboratory for Electronics
2012 - Electronic Engineering PhD degree. (Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Niš, Serbia),
Elektronski sistem za analizu polifaznih opterećenja baziran na FPGA (FPGA based electronic system for analysing polyphase loads)
Main areas: Virtual instrumentation, grid computing.
2002-2004 Tempus – CD_JEP_17028_2002, “Electronic Science Curriculum in Higher Education at the University of Belgrade, University of Nis and University of Novi Sad”
2004 World University Service – Austrian Comitee, Course Development Program +, WUS CDP+ 034/2004, “Integrated Circuits Design”
2005-2008DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst) Programme “Academic Rebuilding of South-eastern Europe”, project “Ilmenau, Sofia, Skopje, Nis”, with Ilmenau University of Technology, Dr. Volker Zerbe
2006-2008 6th Framework Programme, “South-Eastern European Grid-enabled einfrastructure Development 2”, SEE-GRID-2, FP6 Grant agreement 031775
2007-2009Tempus – JEP_41107_2006, “System on Chip Design”
2008-20107th Framework Programme, “South-Eastern European Grid-enabled eInfrastructure Development for regional eScience”, FP7 Grant agreement 211338
2008-2010 DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst) Programme „Academic Rebuilding of South-eastern Europe”, project “Ilmenau, Sofia, Skopje, Nis, Banja Luka, Sarajevo”, with Ilmenau University of Technology, Dr. Volker Zerbe
2010-20147th Framework Programme, “European Grid Initiative Integrated Sustainable Pan-European Infrastructure for Researchers in Europe”, EGI-InSPIRE, FP7 Grant agreement RI-261323
2002-2004 IT.1.02.0075.A Projektovanje, testiranje i eko-projektovanje elektronskih kola i sistema
2002-2004IT.1.01.0076.B Razvojuređaja i sistemazamerenje i upravljanje potrošnjom električne energije u industiji
2005-2007TR-006108.B Razvoj i industrijska primena novih tehnologija projektovanja integrisanih elektronskih kola i sistema
2005-2008 EE-232014 Sistem za merenje i korekciju faktora snage i izobličenja elektronskih uređaja
2008-2011ТР-11007.A Projektovanje integrisanih kola zamerenje i zaštitu podataka u sistemu kontrole potrošnje i naplate električne energije
2011-2014TR-32004 Napredne tehnologije elektronskog merenja, upravljanja i komunikacije na električnoj distributivnoj mreži
2004 - 2005 Ilmenau Technische Universitat, Faculty of Computer Science and Automation, Ilmenau, Germany, mentor dr Volker Zerbe, DAAD Programme "Academic Rebuilding of South-eastern Europe".
2005International Summer Study Program in Microelectronics, “Wireless Communications Technologies and Systems”, Frankfurt (Oder), Germany.
2009School of Electronic and Computer Science, University of Southampton, United Kingdom, mentor prof. Mark Zwolinski, PhD, TEMPUS – JEP_41107_2006
2002 - Teaching Assistant at the Electronics Department of the Faculty of Electronic Engineering, University of Nis, Yugoslavia (courses at graduate studies: Electronic Networks, Electronics).
Author of 114 publications, classified as:
- National conference - 29
- International conference (full) - 38
- Scientif. journ. (nat) - 10
- MSc thesis - 1
- National journal - 2
- Article in international journal - 7
- Project report - 4
- Invited lecture on international conference - 1
- Technical solution for national project - 11
- Educational publication - 1
- PhD thesis - 1
- Leading national journal - 2
- International journal promoted by authorities - 1
- Editing an international conference - 1
- International conference (partial) - 3
- Leading international journal - 1
- Article in eminent international journal - 1
The full list of all the published papers by the author you can get from LEDA publications database
Technical solutions – 4
- New products – 3
- Prototypes – 1
Computer Networks, Network Security, Virtual instrumentation
English: Read, Write and Speak
Current Projects
Advanced technologies for measurement, control, and communication on the electric grid - TR 32004